109 questions
To prevent missing numbers in the street number when users enter addressesPlease tell me how to write the required conditions for entering numbers and kanji in regular expressions.I tried using the co...
I would like to delete the text from D-E-F to G-H-I from the text before processing below.A-B-C;hogehogehogeD-E-F;fugafuga piyopiyopiyoG-H-I; hogerahogeraA-B-C;HOGEHOGEHOGED-E-F;FUGAFUGAFUGA PIYOPIYOP...
We are currently creating a program that retrieves settings and settings separately from text files in the format below.<Format>test login_id:useridauthority:root folder:root123login password:12...
In the G spreadsheet, I would like to check if the A3 cell string contains the symbol B3:B32.The string in A3 is Expected an int but was BOOLEAN at path$.data.next_pageAssume that First, put the symbo...
I've rewritten this question a lot, so it's okay now.Next question
If the following conditions exist, I would like to include the contents of the matched parentheses in the array.How do I achieve this with PowerShell?conditions:$data={ab}, {cd}, {ef}...#This length i...
If the following conditions exist, I would like to include the contents of the matched parentheses in the array.How do I achieve this with PowerShell?conditions:$data={ab}, {cd}, {ef}...#This length i...
I've rewritten this question a lot, so it's okay now.Next question
Run EnvironmentWindows 10Python 3.X What do you want to doWe would like to list the following strings using the regular expression re.findall to obtain up to two units: numeric values and ms and MB.I ...
Run EnvironmentWindows 10Python 3.X What do you want to doWe would like to list the following strings using the regular expression re.findall to obtain up to two units: numeric values and ms and MB.I ...
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