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I want to count the number of cities by province from the csv file
Using Python, we would like to extract prefectures and municipalities from the data of prefectural districts (see image 1).
However, I got an error in image 2 on Python, but I don't know how to solve it.
python regular-expression
Here is a brief example of re.search
import re
s=["Tokyo", "Hokkaido", "Nagasaki Prefecture", "Kyoto Prefecture", "Nagoya City"]
for iins:
print(re.search("City | Road | Prefectural | Prefectural", i))
# <re. Match object; span=(2,3), match='City'>
# <re. Match object; span=(2,3), match='road'>
# <re. Match object; span=(2,3), match='Prefect'>
# <re. Match object; span=(1,2), match='City'>
# None
Please enclose the regular expression with "
I want to extract prefectures and municipalities from the data of prefectural districts.
may have been downloaded from Japan Postcode Data Download The kana data's prompt and sulky sounds are written in small letters from State and city names are listed in columns 7 and 8 respectively, so you will have to extract them.
import csv
filename = 'KEN_ALL.CSV'
prefs, cities = [ ], [ ]
with open(filename, encoding='Shift JIS', newline=')asf:
for row in csvreader:
prefs.append(row[6])#7th column: State/Province name
cities.append(row[7])#8th column: City name
# Remove Duplicate
print(prefs)#47 cases
# print(cities)#1894 cases
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