88 questions
acc_cus = []dif = 0while 1: num = int(input( ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Enter the number of the item you want.1. Create an account2. Deposit3. Withdrawal4. Check account information5. Shutdown++++...
What is the difference between Python 3 where the attribute is declared outside and inside the constructor (_init__ method)?Please tell me where Python's documentation is located.class Something: a=&l...
I'm a coding beginner who just started html. I declared a class and declared a class to put an image on the input column, but it does not apply. It only applies to the wrong code What is the problem?&...
In that code, the Professioner and Student classes are sister classes that belong to the School parent class.I wonder how I can modify the Edison of the Professor class to come out when Jane.matchProf...
I was lazy to set a daily value by calling the logging library when writing each code, so I made it into a function type. But I set the level to DEBUG, but I don't know what's wrong with the message b...
class JPP: def __init__(self): # Create headless Chrome and specify download folder code self.driver = webdriver.Chrome() # options=self.options # Below is the current time-based -12 hours + 24 hou...
For learning, I am creating a chess application that works with a browser using React+Typescript.The movement of a piece was able to move as I expected, but the method I made when I tried to implement...
I have a question about how to write Python classes.() What is the difference without it?class class name():class class name:
What is the main difference between an internal class and a static internal class? Is it just a difference in design design?
How do I set up a class that represents the interface?Can I just write an abstract class?
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