Python Class Method Questions

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 274 views

class JPP:
    def __init__(self):
        # Create headless Chrome and specify download folder code
        self.driver = webdriver.Chrome()  # options=self.options
        # Below is the current time-based -12 hours + 24 hours class variable generation code (omitted)

    # Skip site login-related methods

    def set_datetime_int_search(self):
        # Code for entering date, time, etc. on the website and pressing the Lookup button

    def return_skd(self):
        html = self.driver.page_source
        df = pd.read_html(html)[0]
        logger.debug('df called')
        return df

    # Omit Other Class Methods

# Omission of Other Codes
csv_downloader = JPP()
while True:

        if 'df1' not in globals():
            df1 = csv_downloader.return_skd() # Problematic part
            logger.debug(f'waiting for {JPP_SKD_UPDATE_config.config.interval} sec')
        df2 = csv_downloader.return_skd() #Normal expression

        if csv_downloader.compare_old_new(df2, df1):
            df1 = df2
    except Exception as e:

df1=csv_downloader.return_skd() #Problematic part

df2 = csv_downloader.return_skd() #Normal expression

It was called by the same method, but the result is different. I think df1 brought up the screen when I first entered the Internet site, and df2 brought it up based on the time I set. If you try to call again after escaping the while phrase with break, you will get a normal result (same as df2).

Why is df1 the same class method, but the result is different? I will attach the results below

And if you bundle up and run the code from the beginning, it becomes a normal inquiry . I'd appreciate it if you could tell me why.

   Unnamed: 0_level_0        DATE  FLT  ...  CGO PLD      OTH FCST PLD
   Unnamed: 0_level_1        DATE  FLT  ... Unit: LBS Unit: LBS Unit: LBS
0                   1  2022-11-08  271  ...      NaN      NaN    17811
1                   2  2022-11-08  222  ...      NaN      NaN    33799
2                   3  2022-11-08  643  ...      NaN      NaN    18814
3                   4  2022-11-08  202  ...      NaN      NaN    30447
4                   5  2022-11-08  272  ...      NaN      NaN    15359
# a heavy policy
14                 15  2022-11-08  220  ...      NaN      NaN    17480
15                 16  2022-11-08    3  ...      NaN      NaN    26888
16                 17  2022-11-08  273  ...      NaN      NaN     9537
17                 18  2022-11-08  214  ...      NaN      NaN    29364
18                 19  2022-11-08   61  ...      NaN      NaN    17588
[19 rows x 15 columns]

   Unnamed: 0_level_0        DATE  FLT  ...  CGO PLD      OTH FCST PLD
   Unnamed: 0_level_1        DATE  FLT  ... Unit: LBS Unit: LBS Unit: LBS
0                   1  2022-11-08  271  ...      NaN      NaN    17811
1                   2  2022-11-09  271  ...      NaN      NaN    20780
2                   3  2022-11-09  222  ...      NaN      NaN    28318
3                   4  2022-11-08  222  ...      NaN      NaN    33799
4                   5  2022-11-08  643  ...      NaN      NaN    18814
# a heavy policy
50                 51  2022-11-08  211  ...      NaN      NaN    33040
51                 52  2022-11-07  211  ...      NaN      NaN    31918
52                 53  2022-11-08  647  ...      NaN      NaN    32938
53                 54  2022-11-07  281  ...      NaN      NaN    32233
54                 55  2022-11-08  281  ...      NaN      NaN    32233
[55 rows x 15 columns]

python class method

2022-11-09 00:29

1 Answers

I solved it. When I put in the rest code as shown below, it came out according to the time I designated...

time.Sleep (seconds) # Added code
df1 = csv_downloader.return_skd() # Problematic part

2022-11-09 01:12

If you have any answers or tips

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