599 questions
I would like to create and obtain software for MacOSX by using Swift in Xcode for the hostname, IP address, and MAC address of the communication device that exists on the same LAN, such as arp-a at th...
I got json from API and put it in array with code similar to the one below.SWIFT Code var movieList: [[String:AnyObject]]=[ ]func sample(){ Alamofire.request (.GET, http://123456789).validate().respo...
I have a question about how to manage UIButton's actions.I may not be able to ask you something, but I would appreciate it if someone could reply.@IBOutlet weak var button_0:UIButton!@IBOutlet weak va...
The questions are as per the title.http://qiita.com/satoken0417/items/479bcdf91cff2634ffb1I thought I would introduce iso-charts by referring to the .Cocoa pods were done without any problems, but Whe...
I'd like to communicate with each other using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth instead of using an access pointer like FireChat, but what kind of technology is used?I read the article that iPhone can communicate wi...
I'm very ashamed to say that there is a problem with the terminal not being able to move to the directory.Xcode files are stored on the desktop I tried to move it with the following command, but it sa...
I'm getting JSON from my API server and trying to log it.let json:NSDictionary=try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:data!,options:.allowFragments)as!NSDictionary in the sectionThe data couldn't be re...
I'd like to resize the video I took using AVCaptureMovieFileOutput into a square.At the time of shooting, we set the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer with the following properties in the square UIView as pr...
Hello I'm in trouble because I can't find it even if I look into it.I would like to ask you two questions about creating a view of xib.(Execution Xcode 8.2.1/Swift 3.0.2)class CustomView:UIView { requ...
I'd like to create something like au's Video Path app where you can scroll vertically and each line can scroll horizontally.CollectionViewHow can I do it with just one?CollectionView cells can be past...
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