Terminal Cannot Move to Desktop Directory

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 95 views

I'm very ashamed to say that there is a problem with the terminal not being able to move to the directory.

Xcode files are stored on the desktop Enter a description of the image here

I tried to move it with the following command, but it says No such file or directory.

Last login:Fri Oct 2108:38:25 ontys003
〇 〇 〇 no-no-MacBook-Pro: ~ 〇 〇 〇 cd cd/desktop/cocoatest
-bash:cd/desktop/cocoatest:No such file or directory
〇 〇 〇 no-no-MacBook-Pro: ~ 〇 〇 〇 cd $ cd/Xcode/cocoatest
-bash:cd/Xcode/cocoatest:No such file or directory

swift ios xcode cocoapods

2022-09-30 21:19

1 Answers

If it is not a mistake, there must be a space between the cd command and the directory to which you are moving.
Failed because there is no space and it is recognized as a single command (or file).

Also, if you have the cocoatest directory on your desktop, I think the following is correct.

cd through /Desktop/cocoatest

2022-09-30 21:19

If you have any answers or tips

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