Unable to Parse JSON Files on Swift3

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 121 views

I'm getting JSON from my API server and trying to log it.

let json:NSDictionary=try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:data!,options:.allowFragments)as!NSDictionary

in the section
The data couldn't be read because it is not in the correct format.

I get an error saying, but what is the cause of> From the contents of the session risp variable, I think the API access was successful with status code=200


func someTask(){
        let url = URL (string: "My API Address")!
        let session = URLSession(configuration:URLSessionConfiguration.default)
        let task = session.dataTask(with:url, completionHandler:{
            (data, resp, error) in

            if error!=nil{
                letstr=NSString(data:data!, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)



                let json:NSDictionary=try JSONSERIALIZATION.jsonObject(with:data!,options:.allowFragments)as!NSDictionary


            } catchlet error as NSError {


Code of your own API



echo json_encode($returnValue);



When I actually accessed my API, I found it.

swift swift3

2022-09-30 21:19

1 Answers

Your homegrown API code returns a byte string equivalent to the following string:


{"a":1, "b":2}


JSON responses buried in HTML tags like this cannot be parsed in JSONSERIALIZATION.

Try changing the server-side code as follows:


echo json_encode($returnValue);

I would like to recommend some modifications to Swift's code, so I will list them in bullet points.

(There should be no fatal impact on this issue, so you can ignore the following.)

  • data in case of error could be nil, so data! could crash the app
  • You do not need to use NSString to string a response in case of an error
  • str! is also dangerous

    because the response to the error may not be interpreted by UTF-8
    iflet data=data{
                let str = String (data:data, encoding: .utf8)
                print(str??"data not in UTF-8")
            } else{
                print("data is nil")
  • If you expect the result to always be a JSON object (Dictionary on Swift side), you do not need options:.allowFragments

  • Swift3 makes it easier to get into the habit of using Swift's Dictionary (or Array) than using NSDictionary (or Array).
  • as! causes the app to crash when a non-JSON object response arrives

    iflet json=try JSONSERIALIZATION.jsonObject(with:data!)as?[String:Any]{
            } else{
                print ("invalid JSON")

str! is also dangerous

because the response to the error may not be interpreted by UTF-8
iflet data=data{
            let str = String (data:data, encoding: .utf8)
            print(str??"data not in UTF-8")
        } else{
            print("data is nil")

If you expect the result to be a JSON object (Dictionary on Swift side), you do not need options:.allowFragments

as! causes the app to crash when a non-JSON object response arrives

iflet json=try JSONSERIALIZATION.jsonObject(with:data!)as?[String:Any]{
        } else{
            print ("invalid JSON")

2022-09-30 21:19

If you have any answers or tips

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