445 questions
We make the iOS plug-in for Unity based on Swift.However, to use SQLite, we have loaded the FMDB from the source file (.m/.h).Maybe that's why I'm looking at the page where I generate multiple UnityPl...
The error details are as follows. Does it mean that I can't find the file because it says No such file or directory at the end?CpResource Meditation\Timer/Meditation\Timer/Users/hogehoge/Library/Devel...
I'm a beginner in the program.I would like to call the getFlag method in viewDidLoad, retrieve information from the server asynchronously, and use the value in viewWillAppear, but the code below sets ...
Thank you for your help.A person asked me to develop the app, and I delivered the app to the client If you want to release it as a client's app, Developed the Xcode team account as a developer and Is ...
I would like to open my own (html) web in Explorer and link it to a file in the same web, but it says I can't browse this page and it doesn't link.How can I link?By the way, I write html in visual stu...
Is there an easy way to normalize Unicode NFC characters in Microsoft Word?Emacs images features such as ucs-normalize-NFC-region.In documents such as text and Word format created on macOS, the combin...
Xcode Version 8.1(8B62) DeploymentTarget iOS 8.4We are creating a process to add data to Core Data.The Xcode feature automatically generated subclasses and added self-made methods.//Media+CoreDataClas...
Thank you for your help.Apache and Xdebug are running on CentOS booted from Vagrant, and they are being debugged using Visual Studio Code and PHP Debug plug-in to attach breakpoints.Now, I have a ques...
I am trying to create a QR code for Zxing in Java 1.5.However, regardless of whether you download javase or core jar, When running the Java program, is the following version different?An error occurs ...
import Foundationfunc stdWeight(hegihtCm height:Double, #bmi:Double) - > Double { return power(height/100.0,2)*bmi}let height = 180.0let w1 = stdWeight (hegihtCm:height, bmi:22.0)print(The standard...
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