Swift3 compilation error

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 83 views

import Foundation

func stdWeight(hegihtCm height:Double, #bmi:Double) - > Double {
    return power(height/100.0,2)*bmi
let height = 180.0
let w1 = stdWeight (hegihtCm:height, bmi:22.0)
print("The standard weight for a person who is \(height)cm is \(w1)kg.")

When you try to publish the external and internal arguments with the same name,
Expected parameter name followed by ':'
at #bmi in line 3 There is an error.
I am writing to ask you a question because I did not know how to solve the problem after searching.
If you know this compilation error, please let me know.

swift xcode swift3

2022-09-30 21:21

1 Answers

You know how to write a very old Swift.The current Swift (2.0 and later) commonizes the rule that all (*) parameters have argument labels (external names) by default in both functions and methods, so writing using # has been removed.(*Swift2 only treats the first argument separately.)

Simply remove #.

 funcstdWeight(hegihtCm height:Double, bmi:Double) - > Double {
    return power(height/100.0,2)*bmi

2022-09-30 21:21

If you have any answers or tips

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