4 questions
Is there an easy way to normalize Unicode NFC characters in Microsoft Word?Emacs images features such as ucs-normalize-NFC-region.In documents such as text and Word format created on macOS, the combin...
Good job, everyone.Use this code to add furigana.https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34602598/how-to-add-phonetic-guides-to-all-the-texts-at-onceHow do I delete rubies on a VBA?Thank you for your coop...
We are looking for a way to convert multiple strings in a Word document into italics.For example, in a word documentString 1String 2String 1String 3・・・In certain cases, if only string 1 can be convert...
I have a question about Word's VBA fill properties.Search for grayed-out areas in the number list VBA and get a selection)I want to unpaint the painted part and put <> before and after that part
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