271 questions
The error details are as follows. Does it mean that I can't find the file because it says No such file or directory at the end?CpResource Meditation\Timer/Meditation\Timer/Users/hogehoge/Library/Devel...
I'm a beginner in the program.I would like to call the getFlag method in viewDidLoad, retrieve information from the server asynchronously, and use the value in viewWillAppear, but the code below sets ...
Thank you for your help.A person asked me to develop the app, and I delivered the app to the client If you want to release it as a client's app, Developed the Xcode team account as a developer and Is ...
Xcode Version 8.1(8B62) DeploymentTarget iOS 8.4We are creating a process to add data to Core Data.The Xcode feature automatically generated subclasses and added self-made methods.//Media+CoreDataClas...
import Foundationfunc stdWeight(hegihtCm height:Double, #bmi:Double) - > Double { return power(height/100.0,2)*bmi}let height = 180.0let w1 = stdWeight (hegihtCm:height, bmi:22.0)print(The standard...
The questions are as per the title.http://qiita.com/satoken0417/items/479bcdf91cff2634ffb1I thought I would introduce iso-charts by referring to the .Cocoa pods were done without any problems, but Whe...
I'm very ashamed to say that there is a problem with the terminal not being able to move to the directory.Xcode files are stored on the desktop I tried to move it with the following command, but it sa...
I'd like to create something like au's Video Path app where you can scroll vertically and each line can scroll horizontally.CollectionViewHow can I do it with just one?CollectionView cells can be past...
let urlStr:String=comgooglemaps-x-callback://+?f=d&saddr=35.681298,139.766268&daddr=35.658598,139.745454+&x-success=source://?resume=sourceap;sour=AirportppUIAApplication.sharedApplication...
I'm a beginner at Swift.We are currently trying to develop a simple game application, with 5 buttons (provisional) on the screen, a concept of winning or losing, and when you tap on the outside, the i...
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