(I don't know what openCV is) To record on Unity, there is a way to use Application.CaptureScreenshot. This is how to capture the screen every frame and combine it later, as shown in the code below. Source
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
public class ScreenRecorder : MonoBehaviour {
public int maxFrames; //amount of frames you want to record before closing the game
int shotCount;
void Awake () {
Application.targetFrameRate = 1; //forces frame rate to 1
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists("Screenshots")) //check if "Screenshots" folder exists
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/Screenshots");
void Update () {
if (shotCount <= maxFrames) //we don't want to include the first frame since it's a mess
Application.CaptureScreenshot(Application.dataPath + "/Screenshots/" + "shot" + shotCount + ".png");
shotCount += 1;
else //keep making screenshots until it reaches the max frame amount
StopRecording(); //quit game
public void StopRecording() //you can call this function for different reasons (e.g camera animation stops)
But in most cases, it's impossible to do it in real time from Unity to encoding. Most services that support real-time encoding on iOS or Android use Native Plugin to use separate code for each platform. If you need the ability to record and upload it as a video right away, it would be faster to find out the Native API provided by XBOX.
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