rack tag

3 questions

1 answers
Want to know Slack account concepts

Slack can sign in to multiple workspaces with one email address.You can configure different profiles (passwords, profile images, and display names) for each workspace.Also, where can I find Account fo...

1 years ago

1 answers
Please tell me how to separate the content-type processing in grape.

I am creating an API using grape.(I don't use other frameworks such as ruby on rails or sinatora .grape alone.)Check the content-type of the http header in the request and determine if the value is ap...

1 years ago

1 answers
Lecture 1-19 Embedded: After setting the default value in Japanese, you cannot see the language that gave the default value when you open the cc and check it differently from the lecture video. Why is that?

While listening to the 1-19 Embedded Class, It's a capture of what I did when I saw it in my browser. After setting the default value in Japanese, if you open CC and check it, unlike the lecture video...

1 years ago

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