hosts tag

4 questions

1 answers
When I write my IP and arbitrary hostname in the Hosts file and access it with the hostname written in the address bar of the explorer, I cannot access it.

When you enter your IP and any hostname in the Hosts file and access it with the hostname listed in the Explorer address bar, the credentials appear and you enter the allowed user ID and password, but...

2 answers
Order of Resolution for Multiple IP Addresses on the Same Host in the Hosts File

I would like to ask you a question because I don't have the environment right now and I can't try it myself.When resolving names in the hosts file, in what order is it resolved if I specify the same h...

1 years ago

2 answers
What is local after localhost.local in the hosts file?

We are developing by accessing http://fogefoge.localhost.local:3200/~ when we launch a local server in Rails, but if we delete the .local part in url, we get an error.By defining it in the hosts file ...

1 years ago

1 answers
Is it OK to register different IP addresses for one host name in the Hosts file at the same time?

I have a question about how to use the hosts file.The system configuration includes two Web Servers (No.1, No2) running IIS on Windows.The client basically accesses No. 1 and uses the web app.I would ...

1 years ago

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