485 questions
I'm just going to use the plane as the floor Plane groundPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);What's the point of doing this?I don't know the difference Why adjust the Vector value and why the...
I'm making a ball bouncing game through UNI.T 2D.Make a circular ball and color the ballI want to import and apply a specific image.I'd like to change it. [The image has been modified to fit the size ...
Hello.I'm a beginner who just started coding for games.While watching the YouTube video this time, I was making the unity login system into C# and MySQL DB.It works normally in the video, but I don't ...
Create DLLs in Project X (C++); Project X defines functions that read and write data using MemoryMapped.Project Y uses a DLL called X Enter data mainly (C++);Project Z uses a DLL called X Mainly read ...
Hello? I'm working on a program that sprays GPU usage on the screen by reading GPU usage on C#.Net, but I don't know how to read GPU usage on C#. I would appreciate it if you could let me know in deta...
Hi, everyone.I would like to link Naver API to UNI.T.T.First of all, it works well on C# When UNI.T spins it TlsException: Invalid certificate received from server. Error code: 0xffffffff80092012Mono....
int[] Heap = new int[4];for(int i=0;i<32;i++){ if(usedsize == Heap.Length) // { Array.Resize(ref Heap, Heap.Length *2); Console.WriteLine(Heap[+(Heap.Length-1)+] =+Heap[Heap.Length-1]); } ++u...
C.Lynn's been speaking C# for 2 weeks. I'm listening to the company lecture. Instead of solving examples and giving assignments, I'm giving assignments and listening to explanations. Even if I search ...
It's a question that doesn't matter whether it's C++ or C#.Inheritance related questions I learn the concept of inheritance, learn it, and know the advantages. If you use inheritance as a sample code,...
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { int current_health = 10; current_health += 30; Debug.Log (Recovery Potion Used +current_health);} The more I press it, the more I want to raise the blood....
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