114 questions
Is there a way to check the CSS coverage list in vscode? throughout the workspace when editing cssIs there a simple way to see how far it affects you?For example, if there is a description of css belo...
It's just as the title says.I followed the steps below.Install python3 and VScode, etc. in container A and image them with commit.In order to run the container from image, I added the following option...
I'm a beginner in programming.When I wrote the code in vscode and debugged it with F5, the following error occurred in the debug console:Error: LinkageError loading main classjava.lang.UnsupportedClas...
I would like to open my own (html) web in Explorer and link it to a file in the same web, but it says I can't browse this page and it doesn't link.How can I link?By the way, I write html in visual stu...
Thank you for your help.Apache and Xdebug are running on CentOS booted from Vagrant, and they are being debugged using Visual Studio Code and PHP Debug plug-in to attach breakpoints.Now, I have a ques...
I am using VSCode on my Mac and I saw that it can be formatted with Shift+Option+F.
When debugging Visual Studio Code in Python, set the contents of the variable to hexadecimal.I checked if it was possible, but if you specify <variable name>,h in the watch expression, I saw tha...
I am developing it with VSCode, but I couldn't translate plug-ins such as Docker plug-ins into Japanese.If you hover your cursor over Docker's code, the explanation will appear in English, so I think ...
PrerequisitesSetting the vscode path to .bashrcPATH=$PATH:'/mnt/c/Users/xxxx/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin'code. results in the following error:Please tell me how to deal with it.Proble...
While editing an erb file using VScode, the comment out shortcut Press cmd+/ to get // and cannot comment out.Is this because the erb file is identified with the html file?The settings.json file looks...
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