109 questions
Line 1second lineline threeline fourline fiveline sixline sevenline eightline nineline 10line 11line 12line 13line 14line 15line 16line 17in response to the sentence 1st to 15th lines first I want to ...
in Regular Expression (Ruby)^ISBN[-]?[ dd|-]+For ^ISBN-?[ dd|-]+But I think the result will be the same In this case, [] means [] to match any of the characters specified in [] and is different from [...
I am developing a sublimetext plug-in.This is a plug-in that allows you to divide Japanese into word levels by double-clicking.https://github.com/ASHIJANKEN/JapaneseWordSeparatorCurrently, this plug-i...
Regular expression apostrophei also want to match as part of the string. In relation to , I can now escape the single quote with the following code:However, on repl.it, which I use,/[w']+/g ['Hell\'o'...
Look for regular expressions on the web page that link specific characters.I referred to the following page.http://am-yu.net/2012/03/19/auto_keyword_link_php/However, in this regular expression, if th...
I'm worried because I can't use regular expressions that match only certain words.If you want to find a word that is not int, I wrote the following:\b(?!int).)*\bIf you search for the following expres...
How do I detect only the outermost parenthesis when the parenthesis is nested in the string processing?That kind of eo or ki or ke or ke or ke or ke or ke or ke or ke or ke or keFor example, starting ...
I am currently studying Java regular expressions through the website.I don't understand the meaning of the part written ¥d.+?yen below.Could you please let me know what pattern it means to match the t...
Is it the following code that determines whether the url entered is Googlemap iframe?preg_match(/<iframe src=\https:\/\/www\.google\.com\/map(.*?)<\/iframe>/s, $map, $is_map); if(!isset($is_m...
I would like to remove the following string.What kind of regular expression should I write to make it possible?Please let me know if you know more.[aiu] ↓Oh, my God.
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