20 questions
There are EditText and buttons in the layout that I made I want to hide my virtual keyboard when I write Edit Field and click the button What do I do?
Can I create a static member variable or function in the Python class? What grammar should I use?
fname = input('Enter the file name: ')try : fname = open(fname)except : print('Wrong file name') exit()for line in fname : line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.8475') : prin...
class Deck {final int CARD_NUM = 52; // Number of cardsCardcardArr[] = newCard[CARD_NUM]; // Include an array of Card objectsDeck () { // Initialize Deck's card. int i=0; for(int k=Card.KIND_MAX; k &g...
If you answer my question, I will never forget this kindness.My question is, to sum up,I want to use the instance as a variable in the method.For example, class Marine: def __init__(self): self.healt...
class Adder{ int value; int var1; public Adder(int x){ this.var1 = x; } public int add(){ value += var1; return getValue(); } public int getValue(){ return value; }}class Solution { public int sol...
When calling a method that returns a specific value or a specific object in the main function, Don't you usually substitute that method for a variable or object of that type?I wonder how you can use i...
import java.util.Scanner;class Recursion{ //method public void star(int x){ if(x>0){ printBlank(x); printStar(x); System.out.print(\n); star(x-1); } else return; } public void printBlank(...
The language is Python.I have a question about using index method, which is one of Python's methods.For example,When a_list=[1,2,3,1,4],If you use the index method, you will first put 0 which is the i...
fruits_dic={'apple':6000,'melon':3000,'banana':5000,'orange':7000}fruits_dic.clear()print(fruits_dic)Result value{}-------------------------------------------------fruits_dic={'apple':6000,'melon':300...
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