11 questions
Thank you for your continuous support.I would like to display the background of SKScene, but why?It will remain black.The code is the same as the 2D game programming that starts with SpriteKit from Sh...
I am currently using Swift's SpriteKit to create iOS applications, but I don't know how to draw a pie chart.When I looked into it, I found only ways to use UIKit, so I couldn't use it.Can someone tell...
Excuse me, let me ask you something rudimentary.I'm currently trying to create a simple game, and I'm having trouble with the process.Even if I write a program like the image, it doesn't appear on the...
I tried introducing admob's interstitial ad into the game app developed using SpriteKit, but it didn't work.If you don't use SpriteKit, ads will be displayed. I would appreciate it if you could advise...
I tried introducing admob's interstitial ad into the game app developed using SpriteKit, but it didn't work.If you don't use SpriteKit, ads will be displayed. I would appreciate it if you could advise...
I'm using segue and unwind segue for screen transitions, but after many transitions, the process gets heavier and doesn't work properly. Do you have any countermeasures or improvements?Top Screen ➡ se...
<Purpose>I want the GameScene to be displayed as a present in the ViewController, and I want the GameScene to use the original ViewController Segue to display the next View in order to display t...
According to the code I wrote, when the screen is full, only the lower left side is shown, and depending on the display I use, the display will be strange.For example, is there a way to keep 800px*600...
Currently, I am trying to proceed with the application development using spritekit with swift language.So, regarding the image, we have to change the size of the image we use depending on the device, ...
vara=3letb = SKAction.moveByX(-100,y:0.0,duration:2)What should I do if I want to include variable a in the value of duration?
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