I am currently using Swift's SpriteKit to create iOS applications, but I don't know how to draw a pie chart.
When I looked into it, I found only ways to use UIKit, so I couldn't use it.
Can someone tell me how to draw a pie chart with Swift's SpriteKit as shown below?
I want to draw a pie chart like this link
ios swift spritekit
I'm not talking about SpriteKit, I'm talking about WatchKit...
Summary of Custom UI Implementation Methods for WatchKit
Apple programmers are using unexpected low-tech.
Isn't using a serial number pie chart image an effective technique for SpriteKit?
It's hard to prepare 100 images for 1% scratch, but if you only need 5% scratch, you don't have to worry too much.
If you mean, "No, no, I want to draw a pie chart with SKShapeNode", please comment to that effect or add it to the questionnaire.
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