centos tag

CentOS (/ˈsɛntɒs/, from Community Enterprise Operating System; also known as CentOS Linux) is a Linux distribution that provides a free and open-source community-supported computing platform, functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). In January 2014, CentOS announced the official joining with Red Hat while staying independent from RHEL, under a new CentOS governing board.

The first CentOS release in May 2004, numbered as CentOS version 2, was forked from RHEL version 2.1AS. Since version 8, CentOS officially supports the x86-64, ARM64, and POWER8 architectures, and releases up to version 6 also supported the IA-32 architecture. As of December 2015, AltArch releases of CentOS 7 are available for the IA-32 architecture, Power ISA, and for the ARMv7hl and AArch64 variants of the ARM architecture. CentOS 8 was released on 24 September 2019.

In December 2020, Red Hat unilaterally terminated CentOS development. In response, CentOS founder Gregory Kurtzer created the Rocky Linux project as a successor to the original mission of CentOS. In March 2021, Cloud Linux (makers of CloudLinux OS) released a new RHEL derivative called AlmaLinux.

While the distribution was discontinued at the end of 2021, development of CentOS Stream, its midstream variant, continues.

Reference: WIKIPEDIA

126 questions

1 answers
Why do I sometimes conflict after installing from a different repository?

Why do I sometimes conflict after installing from a different repository?I don't think ius and epel are developing programming languages, they're just getting them from some formula, so why conflict?F...

1 years ago

1 answers
What are the meanings of packages, requests, deleting, and updated by the following when yum update error occurs?

When yum update error, package, request, deleting, and updated by the following are displayed, what do you mean?·Error in package uwsi-plugin-python36u-·I requested pyth...

1 years ago

1 answers
$ About rpm-Va--nofiles--nodigest

What does the following command mean?$rpm-Va --nofiles --nodigestI typed it first, but it didn't show anything, so I searched it. --nodigest, do not inspect package headers or digest values--nofiles, ...

1 years ago

1 answers
/usr/bin/google-chrome:symbol lookup error:/usr/bin/google-chrome: undefined symbol:gbm_bo_get_modifier

What do you mean by symbol lookup error?$google-chrome --versionGoogle Chrome 79.0.3945.79 $sudo yum install https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpmDownloading packa...

1 years ago

1 answers
Mail is also sent to users who block GitLab

Users who block GitLab do not receive notification emails.https://gitlab-docs.creationline.com/ee/user/admin_area/blocking_unblocking_users.html※ The official GitLab 12.7.0 document I use also stated ...

1 years ago

1 answers
Where do I set up a destination to be notified by email after I push it to the remote repository?

When pushing from the local repository to the remote repository, the mail is sent only to a specific user, not everyone who participates in the repository.Everyone has the same notification level, so ...

1 years ago

2 answers
Differences between "yum remove php*" and "yum remove php php-*

What is the difference between yum remove php* and yum remove php php-*?I would like to know how to use it differently.EnvironmentCentOS 7

1 years ago

1 answers
「# yum remove php*" does not match the argument: php72_20221219.ini No packages are marked for deletion.

Copied /etc/php.ini to /home/hoge/backup.At that time, I changed the file name to php72_20221219.ini.Then go to /home/hoge/backup#yum remove php*After you run , Plug-ins loaded: fastestmirror, langpac...

1 years ago

1 answers
I would like to update PHP 7.2.3 to PHP 7.4, but when I type #yum remove php php-*, it says phpMyAdmin for dependency related deletion.

What do you want to doI want to update PHP 7.2.3 installed in CentOS 7 to PHP 7.4Reference PageUpdate to PHP 7.4Tried#yum remove php php-*// AbbreviatedDelete dependencies: composer noarch 1.6.3-3.el7...

1 years ago

1 answers
I want to start TigerVNC as a service via systemd on Alma Linux

BackgroundI'm running Alma Linux to build a server.I would like to work remotely in a GUI environment by installing a VNC server in Alma Linux.I'm having a hard time getting in the VNC server.If you k...

1 years ago
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