I would like to update PHP 7.2.3 to PHP 7.4, but when I type #yum remove php php-*, it says phpMyAdmin for dependency related deletion.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 305 views

What do you want to do

I want to update PHP 7.2.3 installed in CentOS 7 to PHP 7.4

Reference Page

Update to PHP 7.4


#yum remove php php-*

// Abbreviated

Delete dependencies:
 composer noarch [email protected]
 phpMyAdmin noarch 4.7.9-1.el7.remi@remi24M

// Abbreviated

Do the above.Is that okay? [y/N]N


·If I press y, will the installed phpMyAdmin also be deleted?
·Does deleting phpMyAdmin affect the database? I am currently accessing MySQL via phpMyAdmin.
·Is there a way to delete the current PHP without deleting it related to dependencies (deleting phpMyAdmin)? Is this a deprecated method?
·I also installed PHP extensions $sudo yum-y install --enablerepo=remi --enablerepo=remi-php72, but do I need to do the same with PHP 7.4?Is it OK to do it the same way? Is there a way to check if the extension content is included in the PHP body?

php linux centos yum

2022-12-18 06:36

1 Answers

If I press y, will the installed phpMyAdmin also be deleted?

That's right.

Does deleting phpMyAdmin affect the database?

phpMyAdmin is just a MySQL client tool (made by PHP.It should not affect the database itself.

without dependency related deletion (phpMyAdmin deleted)

By specifying the --nodeps option with the rpm command instead of yum, you can itself ignore dependencies and delete only those packages.

#rpm-e --nodeps<PACKAGE_NAME>

Composer and phpMyAdmin are shown when deleting dependencies because PHP is assumed to be installed.

2022-12-18 07:01

If you have any answers or tips

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