# read file
filename = r"C:\Users\File 1.xlsx"
book = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename)
# sheet extraction
sheet = book.worksheets[0]
# convert read file list
data = []
for row in sheet.rows:
' ',
data = data[1:]
# Extract load file
wb = load_workbook (r"C:\Users\File 2.xlsx")
ws = wb.active
# Excel Input Function
for n, datalist in enumerate(data, 3):
for n2, i in enumerate(datalist, 1):
cell = ws.cell(row = n, column = n2).value = i
# Insert Content
wb.save ("result file.xlsx")
I wrote a code that reads Excel file 1 and enters the contents in Excel file 2 as Excel file 2.
You want to create an executable file using pyinstaller.
Therefore, when I run the executable file, I want to enter other files in the "File 1" and "File 2" specified above to derive the results, so how should I fill them out?
python excel pyinstaller openpyxl
Create a simple Windows program.
I recommend psimplegui.
Find out about Gooey, too.
I don't know if it's what you want, but to make it simple, you can create a json file that can be modified in the same directory and modify the json file to produce different results. Below, you can create a data.json file in the same directory and specify the file path and name in it, but you can modify it. If you want to select a file using Windows' file search function, you need to use the Windows GUI library as mentioned above.
data.json file
"readfile":r"C:\Users\File 1.xlsx",
"writefile":r"C:\Users\File 2.xlsx"
import json
jsonfile = "data.json"
with open(jsonfile) as f:
data = json.loads(f.read())
# read file
filename = data["files"]["readfile"]
book = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename)
# Extract load file
wb = load_workbook(data["files"]["writefile"])
ws = wb.active
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