I want to count the number of characters in the text area per line.

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 32 views

I'm stuttering at the text counter in the text area.I would appreciate your help.

First of all, regarding the conditions,

1—Counts half-width as 0.5 and full-width as 1.0
2—Line feed, space not counted
3—Count line by line until line 3 (ignore line 4 and later)

Current Issues
Half-width and full-width decisions seem to be ignored, and even half-width ones count as 1.0.

That's all.

  varlen = 0;

// Character size check
    varc = str.charCodeAt(i);
      len+ = 0.5;
    else {len+=1;}

// Split
//    For log verification
    console.log("arr["+i+"] has a character count of "+arr[i].length+"");
    ShowLength.innerHTML = len.toFixed(1);

    document.getElementById("inputlength01").innerHTML =arr[0].length;
    document.getElementById("inputlength02").innerHTML =arr[1].length;
    document.getElementById("inputlength03").innerHTML =arr[2].length;
    <th>Line-by-line counters</th>
      <textarea id="input_text"placeholder=""name="summary" rows="5" onkeyup="ShowLength(this.value,'inputlength');">/textarea>
        <div class="countWrrap">
          <div class="countDsign">
              <liid="comment01">Line 1:<spanid="inputlength01">0.0</span>/35<li>;
              <liid="comment02">Line 2:<spanid="inputlength02">0.0</span>/35<li>
              <liid="comment03">Line 3:<spanid="inputlength03">0.0</span>/35<li>;

javascript html jquery

2022-09-29 22:50

1 Answers

 document.getElementById("inputlength01").innerHTML =arr[0].length;

I ended up using arr[0].length, so


// Character size check
  varc = str.charCodeAt(i);

    len+ = 0.5;
  else {len+=1;}

The length len calculated in means nothing.

One more thing,


I don't think is meaningful. ShowLength is a function, so if you put a value in that property, nothing happens on the screen.

Finally, element.innerHTML parses the substituted string as HTML, which is useless.We recommend that you use element.textContent instead.

2022-09-29 22:50

If you have any answers or tips

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