The code may be different for what you want to do in the first place, but
The image is as follows.
csv data image
with open('sample.csv') asf:# csc file specified
For row in reader:
data=row[0]+row[3]# csv to replace specific items (name and tel) with data
With this, only one line of data can be stored, right?
If there are 100 lines, I would like to extract all 100 lines of row[0]+row[3] and replace them with data.
Also, I would like to put the data substituted value in the body of gmail.
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import smtplib
account="[email protected]"
to_email="Send 先"
from_email="Send 元"
subject="Test Mail"
message="Test Mail"#←I want to put data here
msg = MIMEText(message, "html")
msg ["Subject"] = subject
msg["To"] = to_email
msg["From"] = from_email
server=smtplib.SMTP ("", 587)
server.login(account, password)
Like this, you can add each line as a list and then connect it.
Specify or convert encoding
if necessary, and take action when row[3]
is not present.
with open('sample.csv') asf:# csc file specified
For row in reader:
Add specific items (name and tel) to data from data.append(row[0]+row[3])#csv
concatenate list of message='\n'.join(data)#data with new line
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