When the straight line is parallel to the x-axis or the y-axis, do we need to deal with the case separately?How many cases should I divide it into?
Thank you.
The following error appears in Example 7.
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'a' referred before assignment
(Original post) Check if the two lines intersect.
(Reference) I tried pycharm with reference to "Check if the two lines intersect.">sympy intersection(entity1,entity2)
from sympathy import*
var('Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy Kx Ky')
var('abc de f')
def myKoutenLine(lineSeg):
(myAx, myAy), (myBx, myBy), (myCx, myCy), (myDx, myDy) = lineSeg
if(myAx!=myBx and myCx!=myDx):
a = 1.0
d = 1.0
d*Kx+e*Ky+f], \
[Kx, Ky, b, c, e, f])
myKx=ans[0][0].subs({Ax:myAx, Ay:myAy, Bx:myBx, By:myBy, Cx:myCx, Cy:myCy, Dx:myDx, Dy:myDy})
myKy=ans[0][1].subs({Ax:myAx, Ay:myAy, Bx:myBx, By:myBy, Cx:myCx, Cy:myCy, Dx:myDx, Dy:myDy})
return myKx, myKx
# Example 1
lineSeg = ((2, 3), (11, 12), (10, 5), (3, 11))
print('#Example 1', lineSeg, '->', myKoutenLine(lineSeg))
# Example 7 (additional)
lineSeg = ((-10, 0), (10, 0), (0, -10), (0, 10))
print('#Example7(additional), lineSeg, '->', myKoutenLine(lineSeg))
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because it was hard to understand what you were going to do.
I've just supplemented it
Article: According to Check if the two lines intersect
As for (1), I just call the intersection method, so I need to check if there are any coding errors, but I don't think it's necessary to implement the cross-determination method.
In (2), we use straight lines instead of line segments, so whether or not the intersection point is included in the line segment...Doesn't it depend on the implementation?
Qiita I tried to simplify the code for articles
(It doesn't appear in the question, but I will use some of them in the following process.)
from sympy import Segment
def myKousaHantei(p1,p2,p3,p4):
seg_p12 = Segment(p1,p2)
seg_p34 = Segment(p3,p4)
pt_i = seg_p12.intersection(seg_p34)
return pt_i[0]# Since it is not a curve, there is at most one intersection.
p1, p2, p3, p4 = ((2, 3), (11, 12), (10, 5), (3, 11))
myKousaHantei (p1, p2, p3, p4)
SymPy also has Line
in addition to Segment
from sympy import Line, solo, symbols
fromsympy.plotting import plot
p1, p2, p3, p4 = ((2, 3), (11, 12), (10, 5), (3, 11))
ln_p12 = Line (p1, p2)
ln_p34 = Line (p3, p4)
print(f'intersection coordinates: {solve([expr_a, expr_b])}')
Each equation can be obtained from a straight line
The coordinates of the intersection point can be seen as {x:88/13, y:101/13}
For more information about the error in the question, see
There are problems such as this, and although the direct cause of the error is the former, it is still difficult to understand what you want to do
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