Android Studio AVD API Connection

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 40 views

Hello, seniors. I would like to ask a question about API connection at Android Studio AVD.

Currently, the application I'm making uses YouTube, Google Map, and public data API.

This is being developed by Android Studio, but it seems that the above APIs are not connected in AVD.

When you enter the activity, text or buttons appear, but videos or maps do not appear on any screen...

But the strange thing is that if you connect to a real cell phone (Galaxy A8), it becomes normal.

And the motivation we're making together comes out normally... I'm not coming out...

It's a graduation work, so I have to run AVD to show it working when I take a video of the presentation, but I don't know what to do because each content doesn't come out.

The synchronization and development environment are the same (Android Studio 3.5.1, API 29, Android 10), and each API key is the same.

I don't think it's a problem with the Internet, considering that it goes into Chrome well from AVD.

The only difference is that my laptop has an AMD CPU, and that friend is Intel.

What's the problem?

android-studio android api

2022-09-20 16:38

1 Answers

First, you can guess where YouTube and Google Map APIs do not work in AVD, so it would be better to check whether AVD supports the Play Store. It may not be visible if AVD does not support Google play service or if the version is low.

And I think you can read all the logcats on the device, not your own application, to see why it's not playing. Usually, when you look at the logcat, you only see self-made packages for the target, but there is a high possibility that wake will appear in other parts.

Second, it's different from the question, but when you're filming a presentation video, it's better to film a video of your actual phone turning rather than an AVD. There's a bit more of a stutter and not pretty in the AVD. It's a personal opinion.

2022-09-20 16:38

If you have any answers or tips

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