iPhone 6 Plus/iPhone 6s Plus 5.5 inch 1920 x 1080 16:9
onI want to get the screen resolution as terminal information by Swift, but I don't know how to get it.
Please let me know
ios swift objective-c
The iPhone 6 Plus returns a value of 1080x1920 in the UISscreen.nativeBounds
print (UISscreen.mainScreen().nativeBounds)
If you run the above on an iPhone 6 Plus device,
(0.0, 0.0, 1080.0, 1920.0)
returns the .
The resolution (2208.0 121242.0) can be obtained by the following process, but the iPhone 6 Plus seems to be a little special, so the 1920x1080 value cannot be obtained.
let size=UISscreen.mainScreen().bounds.size
let scale = UISscreen.mainScreen().scale
let result = CGSizeMake (size.width*scale, size.height*scale)
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