The API responds with a number, but
until the value reaches zero.
I'd like to keep throwing requests to the same API in Alamofire.
I can't think of how to code it.
If you want to receive the results in the order in which you throw the communication results,
How can I implement the action?
When enclosed in while statements, depending on the speed of the response,
I think the order of receipt will be different, but what do you think?
override func viewWillAppear(animated:Bool){
/* I want to loop this process. */
getMessageList(apiResponse:{response in)
省略 omission
Alamofire.request (.GET, "(API URL), headers:customHeader)
.responseJSON {response in}
guard let object = response.result.value else {
let json=JSON(object)
let number: Int=json ["result"]["number"].int!
I have also posted to teratail.
It's not urgent, but I'd appreciate it if you could give me an answer as soon as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation.
swift swift2
I received a reply via teratail.
private var_response_numbers:Array<Int>=[]
override func viewWillAppear(animated:Bool) {
/* I want to loop this process. */
Alamofire.request (.GET, "(API URL), headers:customHeader)
.responseJSON {response in}
guard let object = response.result.value else {
let json=JSON(object)
let number: Int=json ["result"]["number"].int!
if number! = 0 {
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