Create a tuple (["3+2", 5,3], ["6/2", 3,5], ["10-2",8,3], ["2's 3 wins",8,4], ["5-2*2",1,5])
([problem, answer, score] format)>
Show each question, ask the answer, and accumulate the score if it is correct Show the final number of correct answers and the number of incorrect answers and score output
t = (["3+2",5,3],[6/2",3,5],["10-2",8,3],["2's 3 wins",8,4],[5-2*2",1,5])
for i in range(len(t)):
a = input(t[i][0])
if a == t[1]:
I made the code like this, but I don't know what to do. Please help me
Homework by yourself
arr = (["3+2",5,3],["6/2",3,5],["10-2",8,3],["2's 3 wins",8,4],["5-2*2",1,5])
score = 0
great = 0
bad = 0
for i in arr:
print(What is i[0] + "? :")
n = int(input())
if n == ?:
great += 1
score += ?
print ("Correct!")
print ("Wrong! Wrong")
bad += 1
print("Correct answer:" + str(great) + "Wrong answer:" + str(bad) + "Score"
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