First of all, the logic to be implemented is to read the time value (data) stored in the DB through the datetime module When I display it on the web after processing it once, I want to print it out in the following way.
The logic below is implemented as a separate function, so to be exact, DB data is imported into the for statement and then called the function below We have returned the processed value after processing it.
item = testdb.query.order_by(idx.desc())
for datas in item:
save_time = return_time(datas.time)
(Logic Processing Function)
if (result < 60):
return_time = "Just now"
elif(result >= 60 and result < 3600):
return_time = floor(result/60)
elif(result >= 3600 and result < 86400):
return_time = floor(result/3600)
elif(result >= 86400 and result < 2419200):
return_time = fllor(result/86400)
return_time = result.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
However, after processing it like this, use the render_template
function to hand it over like time=str(save_time))
If so, only one value comes in and I tried to list the for statement, but it didn't print well in the desired direction.
Output example)
Just now | (Title)
5 minutes ago | (Title)
1 hour ago | (Title)
I'm going to film it like this.
item=item, time=str(save_time)
When you turn over the print on the web, you try to turn it over separately
It's not working well, I may not have enough code, but please give me feedback.
python sqlalchemy flask
I think the questionnaire has nothing to do with SQLalchemy.
If you want a specific answer, I think you should check the logic and template
from flask import flask, render template string.
import datetime
index = '''<html>
{% for i in datas %}
<p> {{i[1]}} | {{i[0]}} </p>
{% endfor %}
app = Flask(__name__)
def return_time(time):
now = round(
r = []
for i in time:
t = round(datetime.datetime.strptime(i, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M').timestamp())
if now - t < 360:
r.append ("5 minutes ago")
elif now - t < 1800:
r.append ("30 minutes ago")
return r
def main():
db_data = ['subject1','subject2','subject3']
db_date = ['2021-05-11 16:00','2021-05-11 15:50','2021-05-10 15:35']
db_date = return_time(db_date)
return render_template_string(index, datas=zip(db_data,db_date))
if __name__ == '__main__':
5 minutes ago | subject1
30 minutes ago | subject2
2021-05-10 15:35 | subject3
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