Thank you for your help.
I would like to use Tapjoy-SDK (iOS v11.2.0) to display the offer wall advertisement, but I am having a hard time because it doesn't show up at all.
*We are developing with cocos2d-x, but due to native implementation, we are currently developing only iOS version.
The placement type is User Initiated.
I have implemented it by reference to the documentation, but the console log from Tapjoy shows
2015-08-24 17:43:45.622 PROJECT_NAME [9904:3070882][TJLog level:4] Content request delivered successfully for placement "Content name for placement", contentAvailable:0
As shown in , the advertisement request seems successful, but the content is zero (contentAvailable:0).
First of all, does contentAvailable:0 in the log mean there is no advertisement to display...?
I thought it might take some time for the advertisement to appear, but it's already been like this for about 2 hours.
Below is a brief description of the source:
@ interface NativeAD()
@property(nonatomic, retain) TJPlacement*placement;
@property(nonatomic, retain) UIViewController *tapjoyViewController;
// be called when a button is pressed
- (void) showTapjoyOfferWallAD: (UIViewController*) controller
_placement=[TJPlacementPlacementWithName:@"Placement Content Name" delete:self;
[_placement requestContent];
// This delivery method is not called
[_placement showContentWithViewController:_tapjoyViewController];
// This delivery method is called
NSLog(@"tapjoy request did succeeded.);
Thank you for your cooperation.
ios objective-c cocos2d-x
It's been a while since your question, so it may have already been resolved, but I've experienced a similar case, so I'll write it down for your reference.
Select the application you registered on Tapjoy's management screen and click Application Settings at the bottom left of the screen.
Then select Test Device from the left menu.
On the screen that appears, click New Test Device and set up the terminal information for the test (you can get the ad ID in the Appstore, so please use it).
As a result of testing on the registered device, I was able to display it in my case.
From Comments:
In my case, it was because the status of the registered item was disabled. I contacted the Tapjoy representative and it was activated, so the advertisement came out safely.- koexuka
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