Image Not Saved When Scraping Google Search Results

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 123 views

"The code ""Collect images from Google without hitting the API"" introduced on the above site is quoted."I have created a image folder on my desktop and I am working on it at

The code itself does not fail, but if you run it at the terminal, you will see the following results: The image folder creates a folder called cat but does not save any images.
Why does this result?Please let me know.

Run Results

$hogeMacBook-ea: image Hiroki $python 10
Beginning searching cat
->No more images
- > Found 0 images
Complete downloaded
├- Successful downloaded 0 images
└- Failed to download 0 images

python web-scraping

2022-09-29 22:06

1 Answers

Perhaps Google's scraping measures have rewritten the tag/class/id and other names.
That's probably why you can't find the appropriate data.

Please refer to this article.
Unable to scrap Google search results
Python, BeautifulSoup Cannot Get Google Search Title
Get Google Search Screen Information with Python Scraping
How to Scrap Google News

For example, def image_search(self, query_gen, maximum): If you put print() in the middle of the following parts of , you'll find out.

html=self.session.get(next(query_gen)) .text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")".rg_meta.nottranslate")
jsons = [json.loads(e.get_text()) for e in elements ]
image_url_list = [js["ou"] for js in jsons ]

html or soup contains some data, but elements is an empty list.
In other words, there is no data represented by ".rg_meta.notranslate" in the scraping results.

As a countermeasure, one of the following could be considered:

2022-09-29 22:06

If you have any answers or tips

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