I don't want to use "../" in JavaScript test code import path specification

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 18 views

Currently, I am thinking of writing a test using a combination of gulp+babel+mocha.
The production code is located under the root/src/modules directory.

I would like to place the test code under root/test/modules in the same configuration as the production code.

In this case, the test code contains

import shut from '../../../(repeatUntilRoot...)/src/mosules/(pathToSUT...)'

It is very complicated to write

Webpack is used to build production code

import someModule from 'modules/path/to/module'

It can be resolved as shown in .
Would it be possible to call the module under test from the test code using the same description as the above production code without using Webpack during the test?


2022-09-29 21:55

2 Answers

It is possible by setting it as an environment variable. exportNODE_PATH=/path/to/project/root/src

2022-09-29 21:55

How about using wavy?The package.json location is treated as through.

 mkdir foo & cd foo

npm install wavy
node-e "console.log(require('~/index.js')')"
# foo

2022-09-29 21:55

If you have any answers or tips

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