I'm practicing RMarkdown, but when I output it as a PDF,
I'm having trouble with the problem of not displaying Japanese in the formula.
Could someone tell me how to solve this problem?
title: "Teaching: Introduction to Multivariate Analysis"
author: "practice"
date: "2021/5/6"
latex_engine —xelatex
number_sections —true
mainfont —Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro
{r setup, include=FALSE}
library (ggplot2)
library (lattice)
data<-read.csv("~/Documents/r_sample/R_Multivariate Analysis 0726/Chapter 03/Customer Satisfaction Data.csv", fileEncoding="CP932")
Problem: I understand how to type formulas, but I can't see Japanese well.
Number of customers = α+ 立地 location satisfaction + error
Thank you!This is Big Sur 11.2.3 on the M1 chip.I don't know if the Tex environment is the answer, but I added TextLive 2021.
If you follow the instructions, the following error will appear.
After correcting the LaTeX writing method normally, it appears, and the problem has been solved!
I'm a beginner at LaTeX, so I'm embarrassed...Thank you for letting me know!
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