Swift Initialization Process Fails

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 43 views

An error occurs when you try to substitute the structure properties with the value received by the init argument.

In selected=state on the second line of init

self'used before all stored properties are initialized

The error appears.

structure Icon:View {
    varimageName: String=""
    @Binding var selected:Bool

        imageName = image
        selected = state

    varbody:someView {

        VStack {

            if self.selected {
                    .frame (width:98, height:95)
                    .clipShape (Circle())

            } else {
                    .frame (width:98, height:95)
                    .clipShape (Circle())



swift swiftui

2022-09-29 21:41

1 Answers

As indicated in Answer to another question, variable declarations with propertyWrapper attributes such as @Binding appear to be normal variable declarations, but the compiler treats them as follows:

 var_selected: Binding <Bool >
    var selected:Bool {
        set {
            _selected.wrappedValue = newValue

(Same as @State, $selected is also declared computational properties, but @Binding is not very useful and should be omitted.)

In other words, the Bool type property selected is a computational property that does not require initialization, and must be used after all other instance properties have been initialized, as well as the instance method.

On the other hand, _selected that does not appear in the actual code is a retractable property that requires initialization, so you must initialize it before using selected.

Therefore, if you define init yourself, this is what it looks like.

        imageName = image

In this case, the state in the second argument means that Binding<Bool> type, not Bool type, so true and false type constants cannot initialize, but refers to the type of

Also, Icon is a structure, so if you do not define init yourself,

 init (imageName: String, selected: Binding <Bool >)

The initializer for this signature is automatically generated, so you should use it.

2022-09-29 21:41

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