About load linked/store conditional

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 90 views

MIPS instructions
There is an instruction called load linked/store conditional (LL/SC) and I don't know how they work.

<My Understanding>
Indivisible SWAP by LL and SC

LL Operation
①Specify an address in memory and determine if the value in the address is 1
②If the value is 1, do nothing because it is locked.If the value is 0, store the value of the address to be locked in the register

①If you specify an address on memory and it is locked by a pair of LL instructions,
A register value is stored in an address on a memory.
②If が succeeds, set the value of the register to 1.If it fails, set it to zero.

LL and SC itself seem to be complicated instructions including beq, but
Are these single instructions?

When LL and SC are a pair of instructions, they are written in "Computer Configuration and Design (above)" but do not understand the meaning of a pair of instructions.Do you say it's a pair because you use it continuously?

Do you mean that multiprocessors do not know which processor's instructions are executed in what order, so conflicts can occur, and if a processor's LL locks it, SC of the same processor can unlock it?


2022-09-29 21:31

1 Answers

I was worried about relying on my memory, so I looked it up.


I think it's just the corresponding part.

This is an instruction that assumes multi-tasking (or similar) and gets the value of the specified address in LL and updates it in SC.If another application (or CPU) rewrites the value of the specified address during the execution of LL and SC, the SC will fail (it will result in an error). (Change processing based on the result in beq)
As mentioned on the above page, MIPS is a RISC-CPU, so there are few complicated instructions.Combine and process simple instructions.

2022-09-29 21:31

If you have any answers or tips

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