I would like to create a biohazard-like cut scene with unity, but I have a question about switching scenes.

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 66 views

I'm a beginner at unity.
I would like to include a cut scene as an event during the game, for example before the boss's game.
Character animations and lip syncs have been created using external tools.

After importing to unity, I would like to set up a stage (background, etc.) and perform there.
Even if you look into various things, you can use paid assets such as Cinema Director to switch camera work.
I think so, but I don't know how to incorporate the important cut scene, so I have a question.

Players arrive at a specific location → Cut scene starts → Automatically switch to a boss match or another scene after finishing.
is required.
Thank you for your cooperation.


2022-09-29 21:23

1 Answers

Cinema Director can set the behavior when the scene is running.

Play the Unity editor to play a scene when you start the game (On Trigger) and install a trigger to play a scene when some object (collider) touches the trigger (On Trigger).

I'm not familiar with it either, but I think what the contributor wants to do is that the scene will be played when the player enters a certain room, so
Then, for example, if you place a cut scene trigger in the room, set the player as the target trigger, and the player touches the collider of the cut scene trigger, it would be good to play the scene.

2022-09-29 21:23

If you have any answers or tips

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