Unable to locate Chromium log for Ubuntu 19.10

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 66 views

I'm using Ubuntu 19.10, but I don't know where the Chromium logs are.Where is it?

I am working on Chromium from selenium, and some error occurs, so I would like to see Chromium's log at that time.
If you set --enable-logging and --log-level=0 for startup options, you will find
~/.config/chromium in
The log seems to be saved, but I can't find it.

I want to see the contents of console.log as a log.

Google Chrome - How can I find my browser weblog file? - Super User

User Data Directory

Chromium has been provided as a snap package since Ubuntu 19.10, so I'm wondering if that's related...

Where can I find the Chromium log for Ubuntu 19.10?

ubuntu google-chrome selenium chromedriver logging

2022-09-29 20:42

1 Answers

The link says the following, but why don't you try this one?

How to enable logging-The Chromium Projects

If the environment variable CHROME_LOG_FILE is set, Chrome will write its debug log to its specified location.

This post was posted as a community wiki based on @metropolis' comments.

2022-09-29 20:42

If you have any answers or tips

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