How to Upload an Image to a Server Using Volley

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 94 views

I looked at various sites and tried the source code, but I couldn't find anything that could upload images to the server using Volley.

public class MultipartRequest2 extensions Request<String>{
public static final String KEY_PICTURE="mypicture";
public static final String KEY_PICTURE_NAME="filename";
public static final String KEY_ROUTE_ID = "route_id";

private HttpEntity mHttpEntity;

private String mRouteId;
private Response.Listener;

public MultipartRequest2(String url, String filePath, String routeId,
                         Response.ErrorListener errorListener) {
    super(Method.POST, url, errorListener);

    mRouteId = routeId;
    mHttpEntity = buildMultipartEntity (filePath);

public MultipartRequest2(String url, File file, String routeId,
                         Response.ErrorListener errorListener) {
    super(Method.POST, url, errorListener);

    mRouteId = routeId;

private HttpEntity buildMultipartEntity (String filePath) {
    File file = new File(filePath);
    return buildMultipartEntity (file);

private HttpEntity buildMultipartEntity (File file) {
    MultipartEntityBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
    String fileName = file.getName();
    FileBody fileBody = new FileBody (file);
    builder.addPart(KEY_PICTURE, fileBody);
    builder.addTextBody(KEY_PICTURE_NAME, fileName);
    builder.addTextBody(KEY_ROUTE_ID, mRouteId);

@ Override
public String getBodyContentType(){
    return mHttpEntity.getContentType().getValue();

@ Override
public byte[]getBody()throws AuthFailureError{
    ByteArrayOutputStream boss = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    } catch(IOExceptione){
        VolleyLog.e("IOException writing to ByteArrayOutputStream");
    return boss.toByteArray();

@ Override
    return Response.success("Uploaded", getCacheEntry());

@ Override
protected void deliveryResponse(String response) {


I would like to upload an image to the server by POST with this source code I found online.
What is routeId?

In the sample,

HashMap<String, String>params=newHashMap<>();

    String url="";
    String image_path="/storage/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20161026_182039.jpg";

    params.put ("user", "username");

    MultipartRequest2 multipartRequest=

            new MultipartRequest2(url, image_path, params, newResponse.Listener<String>(){
                @ Override
                public void onResponse (String response) {
                    Log.e("TAG", "Success Response:" + response.toString());

            }, newResponse.ErrorListener(){

                @ Override
                public void onErrorResponse (VolleyError) {

                        Log.e("TAG", "Error Response code:"+

                            dcimPath.setText("Gallery Path:"+"user");

                        }finally {



                        if(error instance of NetworkError) {
                        } else if (error instance of ServerError) {
                        } else if (error instance of AuthFailureError) {
                        } else if (error instance of ParseError) {
                        } else if (error instance of NoConnectionError) {
                        } else if (error instance of timeoutError) {

                mQueue.add (multipartRequest);

The error occurred and the object could not be generated.

Please tell me who it is.

android java android-volley

2022-09-29 20:25

1 Answers

I solved myself.
public static final String KEY_PICTURE="mypicture";
public static final String KEY_PICTURE_NAME="filename";
public static final String KEY_ROUTE_ID = "route_id";

 files can be retrieved at $_POST ['mypicture'] ['tmpname']
The string meant $_POST['route_id'] could be retrieved.

2022-09-29 20:25

If you have any answers or tips

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