Add Kakao Talk Chat Room Button

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 71 views


If you look at this picture, there's a + button in the lower right corner of the left image. From the list of chat rooms, I want to keep the button on the spot, but how do I do this?

android button

2022-09-22 22:04

1 Answers

1 If you are talking about these buttons, it would be good to apply the open source provided in the link below.

If it's how you use it, in build.gradle Apply compile 'com.gordonwoong:material-sheet-fab:1.2.1'

You can make a class and implement the FAB button.


public class Fab extends FloatingActionButton implements AnimatedFab {

    * * Shows the FAB.
    public void show() {
        show(0, 0);

     * * Shows the FAB and sets the FAB's translation.
     * * @param translationX translation X value
     * * @param translationY translation Y value
    public void show(float translationX, float translationY) {
        // // NOTE: Using the parameters is only needed if you want
        // // to support moving the FAB around the screen.
        // // NOTE: This immediately hides the FAB. An animation can 
        // // be used instead - see the sample app.

     * * Hides the FAB.
    public void hide() {
        // // NOTE: This immediately hides the FAB. An animation can
        // // be used instead - see the sample app.

2022-09-22 22:04

If you have any answers or tips

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