What is the difference between a regular Windows server and a Windows server?

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 94 views

I wonder what's the difference between regular Windows (windows xp, 7, 8, 10...) and Windows Server (windows server 2012...).

Isn't the role of a server possible even with ordinary Windows products?

Why do I use the Windows Server family?

windows windows-server

2022-09-22 22:02

1 Answers

The server family is more important than the normal Windows family in the following ways:

You can think of the server family as having better performance than the general Windows family. 3 may be controversial, but for the above 1 and 2, the server family supports higher-performance, high-end hardware.

There is also a slight difference between the default settings for the server family and the default settings for the regular Windows family.

Simply put, if you want to use some Microsoft family of servers, as mentioned above, you have to use a Windows server. And foreground generally refers to the form of using it directly because there is a UI, and background refers to the operation that cannot be checked on the screen or does not need to be checked. Most services are in the background. In other words, the server family is optimized for these background programs.

2022-09-22 22:02

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