The concept of loading external files when developing web applications

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 92 views

        <title>web application.</title>

The following is the basic structure of html.

As I develop it, I am interested in organizing it because I bring in a lot of frameworks.

However, there is usually no detailed explanation of the declaration location when you look at the course.

It's because I don't know the web compilation flow.

I would appreciate it if you have an explanation or a good site for this concept.

html5 web

2022-09-22 21:52

1 Answers

If the javascript code works while the document is not loaded, an error will occur.

$( document ).ready(function() {
    //If you put the script code here, the code will run in any order.

It's a different issue, but it's about the order, so it would be good to read it.
From is the reason for putting vascript-code-not-in-head-body-man-end-in-the-end-why?

2022-09-22 21:52

If you have any answers or tips

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