Please recommend a book for me!

Asked 1 years ago, Updated 1 years ago, 80 views

Please recommend me a front page book that I can recommend for developing a responsive web!

responsive web mobile css

2022-09-22 21:35

1 Answers

Looking at the responsive web screen, it may be better to search on Google for "reactive web" or "responsible width inss" and learn through blogs or bootstrap guides rather than buying a book. (The book is so detailed and vast that I feel pressured to look at the knowledge that I don't use.) A few things are summarized and recommended as follows.

To set it up yourself, read the following blog. Understanding the responsive web one by one can be a little complicated because it actually requires understanding device area and resolution rather than technical. / Source:Use CSS3 @mediaquery to respond to reactive web screen sizes

The contents of CSS-Tricks' foreign blog are really well organized. (English is a little burdensome, but if you read it slowly, you will be able to see it.) If you refer to a blog that summarizes media queries by device, it will be much more helpful to set it up yourself. / From:Media Queries for Standard Devices

If you feel uncomfortable setting it yourself, we recommend using bootstrap. Actually, I strongly recommend bootstrap. Setting up reactive webs is much easier. It's set up automatically. You can apply the bootstrap and see what criteria the reactive web is set to. / Source:Responsible breakpoints

If you want to study html / css as a book, we recommend The Essence of HTML5+CSS3 Web Standard (Do it). There are many other good books, so I can't recommend just one book, but I think the book I recommended above is one of the well-organized books. If you want to learn videos, not books, or project units (I recommend this one more than books), it would be good to study in the following way.

2022-09-22 21:35

If you have any answers or tips

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