Hello, everyone This is my first time trying to develop the web, so I'm asking you this question.
I would like to create a blog-type bulletin board using the bootstrap template The following templates do not have a 'Write' function or page.
I wonder how 'writing' functions are usually implemented in templates like this.
Please give me an answer me. Thank you.
Shouldn't you look for a WYSIWYG editor that supports the theme of the bootstrap template?
These are the following: I think there will be more if you look for more.
Look for other WizzieWig editors. There is a problem that does not have a UI scheme, such as a bootstrap template, but it will usually work. I think we can use it after judging what functions we need.
The following is an introduction to the WizzieWig editors. Please refer to it.
Bootstrap provides only the UI required to configure web pages. You need to create a separate server that works in conjunction with UI for the writing function.
For easy access, we recommend Wordpress .
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