Hello. I'm practicing split and For Moon, but there's a blockage.
for i in range(len(df)) :
df_split1[i], df_split2[i]=df.loc[i].split(sep='.', maxsplit=1)
for i in range(len(df)) :
df.loc[i, 'c']=str(df.loc[i, 'a']).split(sep='.', maxsplit=1)[0]
df.loc[i, 'd']=str(df.loc[i, 'a']).split(sep='.', maxsplit=1)[1]
Error code : Too many indexers
In the df, in the form of asd.fgh
, I'd like to split based on '.
in the 'a' column and save the front and back separately. I couldn't go with number 1, so I went with number 2, but there was an error saying "Code" and "Too many indexes"
I want to make a separate DataFrame using split or add a new column from the existing df, but it doesn't work well.
python for split
다른 There may be other better ways. Please refer to it only
data = {'a': ['asd.fgh', 'abcd.efg', '123.456']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
cList = []
dList = []
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
charList = row['a'].split('.')
df['c'] = pd.DataFrame(cList)
df['d'] = pd.DataFrame(dList)
# # a c d
# # 0 asd.fgh asd fgh
# # 1 abcd.efg abcd efg
# 2 123.456 123 456
And I looked at the code above later, but it works well I think it's a better way than me. Haha
data = {'a': ['asd.fgh', 'abcd.efg', '123.456', '123.456.789']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
for i in range(len(df)):
df.loc[i, 'c'], df.loc[i, 'd'] = str(df.loc[i, 'a']).split(sep='.', maxsplit=1)
# # a c d
# # 0 asd.fgh asd fgh
# # 1 abcd.efg abcd efg
# 2 123.456 123 456
# 3 123.456.789 123 456.789
+ expand=True
is the simplest.
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>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"a":[ "abc,def", "eig,esi", "333,ee1"]})
>>> df
0 abc,def
1 eig,esi
2 333,ee1
>>> df["a"].str.split(",")
0 [abc, def]
1 [eig, esi]
2 [333, ee1]
Name: a, dtype: object
>>> df["a"].str.split(",", expand=True)
0 1
0 abc def
1 eig esi
2 333 ee1
>>> df[["a1", "a2"]] = df["a"].str.split(",", expand=True)
>>> df
a a1 a2
0 abc,def abc def
1 eig,esi eig esi
2 333,ee1 333 ee1
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