Hello, everyone I am studying web application. We are making a simple web of membership information through eclipse and oracle sql developer When you sign up as a member, the data is entered into the oracle database.
All of them can be driven, but when JSP is inserted into oracle db, Hangul is broken. Find it on the Internet and change the register NLS_LANG. From Oracle DB itself
update props$ set VALUE$='KO16MSWIN949' where name='NLS_CHARACTERSET'; Running this query only results in an error.
Is there a separate way to fix it?
oracle database
I need to find out a few things first
case1) Web-> If the character is broken when you move to jsp
Please change the text encoding to UTF-8 (or EUC-KR) on the receiving side.
Add Korean filter in web.xml. http://kcmuni.tistory.com/entry/%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80-%EA%B9%A8%EC%A7%90-%EC%B2%98%EB%A6%ACURIEncodingUTF-8
case2) jsp -> If the character is broken when you insert db, check the database encoding setting.
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