We are currently learning deep learning with tensorflow GPU. We initialized Graph and Session and created a new one to learn several things at the same time as the GPU quota. I want to stop working with long learning time in the middle, but I can't find a solution.
The first thing I tried was to create a session ID and make it dafault for each session ID, but no matter how much I looked for it, it didn't seem like I was given a separate session ID.
When I press stop, I tried to create a log file on a specific path and end the learning with a break statement when there was a log file, but I couldn't because everything was learned in the history=fit() built-in function, and
I tried to put a variable in the callback function within keras (if the learning value is slow during deep learning, or if there is no change in learning), but it didn't work out well.
I would appreciate it if you could share the methodology of closing only the session you want during deep learning.
import tensorflow estf
import keras
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import clear_session
def IoT():
g1 = tf.get_default_graph()
s1 = tf.get_default_session()
del g1, s1
# Remove existing graph, session (to create a new graph, session<As a memory release issue>)
g=tf.Graph() #Newly graph declaration to create a session and gpu operation.
with g.as_default():
with s.as_default
#The part where you declare a session and spin artificial intelligence modeling
mode11 = Model(x, fix_names([xpred, yfake, yreal], ["xpred", "yfake", "yreal"]))
model = AdversarialModel(base_model=model11,
player_params=[generative_params, discriminator.trainable_weights],
player_names=["generator", "discriminator"])
player_optimizers=[Adam(3e-4, decay=1e-4), Adam(1e-3, decay=1e-4)],
loss={"yfake": "binary_crossentropy", "yreal": "binary_crossentropy",
"xpred": "mean_squared_error"},
player_compile_kwargs=[{"loss_weights": {"yfake": 1e-1, "yreal": 1e-1,
"xpred": 1e2}}] * 2)
#The part that prints and stores history
csv_logger = keras.callbacks.CSVLogger(log_path)
history = fit(model, x=xtrain, y=y, validation_data=(xtest, ytest), nb_epoch=epoch,
batch_size=int(batch), callbacks=[csv_logger])
del g, s
Stop working.py
def workstop():
work stop
Fixed by creating a user-defined function that can be accessed during Moding We created a user-defined CallBack function in the Model fit and solved it with a stop function that stops the session by giving conditions in the if statement when the conditions in the function are satisfied.
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