I am currently studying TensorFlow Fault Neural Network. I'm studying using Jupiter laptop and Python version 3.6 The above error occurred while using Jupiter laptop. The first error was that the as_matrix() method was deleted It sounds like this Is there a method to replace this?
The second error is... I don't know what the problem is....
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me the solution!
tensorflow python jupyter notebook
Aren't you a college student?
I think I can interpret the English message above...
Both are warnings, not errors.
First warning: the as_matrix method may disappear in future versions, so use .values.
Second warning: The interactive session is already up and some cases are experiencing memory errors, so explicitly call interactiveSession.close() to clean up.
This is a problem that occurs because you have already created an interactive session and you have created it. If you need to create a new one, you can close the existing one.
Both are warnings, so if it's a learning or a test, you can roughly check and move on, and if it's a production, it's better to take action.
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